Mark Hertz Company
Violation Remediation and Representation

New York City building violations are a serious matter.
Ignoring them can rack up fines and fees. Eventually, you can even lose your building.
You need someone on your side who understands how to work with the various departments in the City to get those violations lifted and the fines reduced or eliminated.
No one knows how to do that better than the Mark Hertz Company.
For over 30 years, MHC has worked for building owners to get violations removed and reducing or erasing fines.
No one knows how to deal with NYC departments better because no one has done it more.
The Mark Hertz Company will find every violation, deal with the agency responsible, and get rid of the fines – fast.

Research & Procurement


+Years of Experience
K+Violations Remediated
MPenalties Litigated Successfully
K+Client Hours Saved
Help Wherever You Need It
Our expert team is qualified to cure your violations in all NYC venues including:

Department of Buildings

Environmental Control Board

Department of Transportation

Fire Department

Department of Housing Preservation and Development

Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Sanitation

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Half a million dollars in violations!
A client bought a two-family duplex in NYC and found a half-a-million dollars in fines and violations attached to the property!
- We discovered that based on a little known exception to the code there was a way to reduce the fines
- We reopened the case for new hearings and made legal and technical arguments.
- The fines were almost entirely dismissed. The client was left with a $1,250 obligation.
That’s what we do for property owners!

For many landlords, the problem with dealing with building violations is simply that it takes a lot of time.
Navigating administrative hearings involves extensive research and information gathering, which can be time-consuming. Many landlords lack the expertise to request fine reductions from administrators.
At MHC, our team handles every aspect, from research to representation to fine reduction.
We’ve been doing this for over 30 years for New York City building owners.